mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 01:00:26 +00:00
Removed dead code.
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,11 +37,6 @@ pub struct Account {
impl Account {
// pub fn is_home_currency(&self, compare: &String, raw_acct_map: &HashMap<u16, RawAccount>) -> bool {
// let raw_acct = raw_acct_map.get(&self.raw_key).unwrap();
// &raw_acct.ticker == compare
// }
pub fn get_sum_of_amts_in_lots(&self) -> d128 {
let lots = self.list_of_lots.borrow();
let mut total_amount = d128!(0);
@ -112,23 +112,6 @@ fn _get_path() -> Result<(String, bool), Box<dyn Error>> {
// impl std::convert::From<OsStr> for InventoryCostingMethod {
// fn from(osstr: OsStr) -> InventoryCostingMethod {
// let osstring1 = OsString::from(Box::<osstr>);
// let new_string = osstr.into_string().expect("Invalid input. Could not convert to string.");
// let method = match new_string.trim() {
// "1" => InventoryCostingMethod::LIFObyLotCreationDate,
// "2" => InventoryCostingMethod::LIFObyLotBasisDate,
// "3" => InventoryCostingMethod::FIFObyLotCreationDate,
// "4" => InventoryCostingMethod::FIFObyLotBasisDate,
// _ => { println!("Invalid choice. Could not convert."); process::exit(1)
// }
// };
// method
// }
// }
pub fn choose_inventory_costing_method(cmd_line_arg: OsString) -> Result<InventoryCostingMethod, Box<dyn Error>> {
println!("Choose the lot inventory costing method. [Default/Chosen: {:?}]", cmd_line_arg);
@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ pub(crate) fn import_and_process_final(
// println!("like_kind_cutoff_date is: {}...", like_kind_cutoff_date);
let likekind_settings: Option<LikeKindSettings> = if settings.enable_like_kind_treatment {
@ -472,7 +472,6 @@ pub(crate) fn create_lots_and_movements(
wrap_mvmt_and_push(inner_mvmt, &ar, &inner_lot, &settings, &raw_acct_map, &acct_map);
// acct.push_lot(inner_lot);
amounts_used += amount_used;
percentages_used += percentage_used;
@ -662,7 +661,6 @@ fn wrap_mvmt_and_push(
let amt = this_mvmt.amount;
let amt2 = round_d128_1e8(&amt);
assert_eq!(amt, amt2);
// println!("Unrounded: {}; Rounded: {}; on {}", amt, amt2, mvmt_ref.borrow().date);
let mvmt = Rc::from(this_mvmt);
@ -604,74 +604,3 @@ pub fn _6_transaction_mvmt_detail_to_csv_w_orig(
// pub fn accounts_to_csv(
// accounts: &[Rc<Account>],
// ars: &HashMap<u32, ActionRecord>,
// raw_acct_map: &HashMap<u16, RawAccount>,
// acct_map: &HashMap<u16, Account>,
// txns_map: &HashMap<u32, Transaction>,
// ) {
// let mut rows: Vec<Vec<String>> = [].to_vec();
// let mut header: Vec<String> = [].to_vec();
// header.extend_from_slice(&[
// "#".to_string(),
// "Account".to_string(),
// "Ticker".to_string(),
// "Margin".to_string(),
// "Date".to_string(),
// "Txn#".to_string(),
// "Type".to_string(),
// "Memo".to_string(),
// "Amount".to_string(),
// "Proceeds".to_string(),
// "Cost basis\n".to_string(),
// "Gain/loss".to_string(),
// "Term".to_string(),
// "Income".to_string(),
// "Expense".to_string(),
// ]);
// rows.push(header);
// for acct in accounts {
// for lot in acct.list_of_lots.borrow().iter() {
// for mvmt in lot.movements.borrow().iter() {
// let raw_acct = raw_acct_map.get(&acct.raw_key).unwrap();
// let txn = txns_map.get(&mvmt.transaction_key).unwrap();
// let mut row: Vec<String> = [].to_vec();
// row.push(raw_acct.account_num.to_string());
// row.push(raw_acct.name.to_string());
// row.push(raw_acct.ticker.to_string());
// row.push(raw_acct.is_margin.to_string());
// row.push(mvmt.date.format("%Y/%m/%d").to_string());
// row.push(txn.tx_number.to_string());
// row.push(txn.transaction_type(ars, &raw_acct_map, &acct_map).to_string());
// row.push(txn.memo.to_string());
// row.push(mvmt.amount.to_string());
// row.push(mvmt.proceeds_lk.get().to_string());
// row.push(mvmt.cost_basis.get().to_string());
// row.push(mvmt.get_gain_or_loss().to_string());
// row.push(mvmt.get_term(acct_map, ars).to_string());
// row.push(mvmt.get_income(ars, &raw_acct_map, &acct_map, &txns_map).to_string());
// row.push(mvmt.get_expense(ars, &raw_acct_map, &acct_map, &txns_map).to_string());
// rows.push(row);
// }
// }
// }
// let file_name = PathBuf::from("accounts_mvmts.csv");
// let path = PathBuf::from(&settings.export_path);
// let buffer = File::create(full_path).unwrap();
// let mut wtr = csv::Writer::from_writer(buffer);
// for row in rows.iter() {
// wtr.write_record(row).expect("Could not write row to CSV file");
// }
// wtr.flush().expect("Could not flush Writer, though file should exist and be complete");
// }
@ -58,10 +58,6 @@ pub(crate) fn add_cost_basis_to_movements(
} else {
// let mvmt_lot = mvmt_copy.get_lot(acct_map, ars);
// let borrowed_mvmt_list = mvmt_lot.movements.borrow().clone();
// let lots_first_mvmt = borrowed_mvmt_list.first().unwrap().clone();
// let cb_of_lots_first_mvmt = lots_first_mvmt.cost_basis.get();
let cb_of_lots_first_mvmt = mvmt_copy.get_cost_basis_of_lots_first_mvmt(acct_map, ars);
let ratio_of_amt_to_lots_first_mvmt = borrowed_mvmt.ratio_of_amt_to_lots_first_mvmt(acct_map, ars);
let unrounded_basis = -(cb_of_lots_first_mvmt * ratio_of_amt_to_lots_first_mvmt);
@ -126,10 +122,7 @@ pub(crate) fn add_cost_basis_to_movements(
// let this_ratio = ratio_of_amt_to_incoming_mvmts_in_a_r
// .to_string()
// .parse::<d128>()
// .unwrap(); // I don't recall why this was once needed in the next line.
let unrounded_basis = cb_outgoing_ar * ratio_of_amt_to_incoming_mvmts_in_a_r;
let rounded_basis = round_d128_1e2(&unrounded_basis);
@ -240,13 +233,6 @@ pub(crate) fn add_proceeds_to_movements(
// TxType::Flow => {
// let ratio = borrowed_mvmt.amount / ar.amount;
// let proceeds_unrounded = txn.proceeds.to_string().parse::<d128>().unwrap() * ratio;
// let proceeds_rounded = round_d128_1e2(&proceeds_unrounded);
// mvmt.proceeds.set(proceeds_rounded);
// }
TxType::ToSelf => {
// Originally did nothing. Now explicity creating a condition where a report containing
// ToSelf txns would reflect a $0 gain/loss.
@ -281,9 +267,6 @@ pub(crate) fn apply_like_kind_treatment(
if txn.date <= cutoff_date {
perform_likekind_treatment_on_txn(txn_num, &settings, &ars, &raw_acct_map, &acct_map, &txns_map)?;
// else {
// // carry_forward_deferred_gains(txn_num, &settings, &ars, &raw_acct_map, &acct_map, &txns_map)?;
// }
@ -325,9 +308,6 @@ fn update_current_txn_for_prior_likekind_treatment(
if !is_home_curr {
// let borrowed_mvmt_lot = borrowed_mvmt.get_lot(acct_map, ars);
// let borrowed_mvmt_list = borrowed_mvmt_lot.movements.borrow();
// let lk_cb_of_lots_first_mvmt = borrowed_mvmt_list.first().unwrap().cost_basis_lk.get();
let lk_cb_of_lots_first_mvmt = borrowed_mvmt.get_lk_cost_basis_of_lots_first_mvmt(acct_map, ars);
let ratio_of_amt_to_lots_first_mvmt = borrowed_mvmt.ratio_of_amt_to_lots_first_mvmt(acct_map, ars);
let unrounded_lk_basis = -(lk_cb_of_lots_first_mvmt * ratio_of_amt_to_lots_first_mvmt);
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