// Copyright (c) 2017-2019, scoobybejesus // Redistributions must include the license: https://github.com/scoobybejesus/cryptools-rs/LEGAL.txt use std::rc::{Rc}; use std::fs::File; use std::collections::{HashMap}; use std::path::PathBuf; use decimal::d128; use crate::transaction::{Transaction, ActionRecord, Polarity, TxType}; use crate::account::{Account, RawAccount, Term}; use crate::cli_user_choices::{LotProcessingChoices}; pub fn _1_account_sums_to_csv( settings: &LotProcessingChoices, raw_acct_map: &HashMap, acct_map: &HashMap ) { let mut rows: Vec> = [].to_vec(); let mut header: Vec = [].to_vec(); header.extend_from_slice(&[ "Account".to_string(), "Balance".to_string(), "Ticker".to_string(), "Cost Basis".to_string(), "Total lots".to_string(), ]); rows.push(header); let length = acct_map.len(); for j in 1..=length { let acct = acct_map.get(&(j as u16)).unwrap(); let mut row: Vec = [].to_vec(); let balance: String; let tentative_balance = acct.get_sum_of_amts_in_lots(); if tentative_balance == d128!(0) { balance = "0.00".to_string() } else { balance = tentative_balance.to_string() } let raw_acct = raw_acct_map.get(&acct.raw_key).unwrap(); let cost_basis: String; if raw_acct.is_margin { cost_basis = "0.00".to_string() } else { let tentative_cost_basis = acct.get_sum_of_basis_in_lots(); if tentative_cost_basis == d128!(0) { cost_basis = "0.00".to_string() } else { cost_basis = tentative_cost_basis.to_string() } } row.push(raw_acct.name.to_string()); row.push(balance); row.push(raw_acct.ticker.to_string()); row.push(cost_basis); row.push(acct.list_of_lots.borrow().len().to_string()); rows.push(row); } let file_name = PathBuf::from("1_Acct_Sum_with_cost_basis.csv"); let path = PathBuf::from(&settings.export_path.clone()); let full_path: PathBuf = [path, file_name].iter().collect(); let buffer = File::create(full_path).unwrap(); let mut wtr = csv::Writer::from_writer(buffer); for row in rows.iter() { wtr.write_record(row).expect("Could not write row to CSV file"); } wtr.flush().expect("Could not flush Writer, though file should exist and be complete"); } pub fn _2_account_sums_nonzero_to_csv( acct_map: &HashMap, settings: &LotProcessingChoices, raw_acct_map: &HashMap ) { let mut rows: Vec> = [].to_vec(); let mut header: Vec = [].to_vec(); header.extend_from_slice(&[ "Account".to_string(), "Balance".to_string(), "Ticker".to_string(), "Cost basis".to_string(), "Total lots".to_string(), ]); rows.push(header); let length = acct_map.len(); for j in 1..=length { let acct = acct_map.get(&(j as u16)).unwrap(); let mut row: Vec = [].to_vec(); let raw_acct = raw_acct_map.get(&acct.raw_key).unwrap(); let name = raw_acct.name.to_string(); let balance: String; let mut balance_d128 = d128!(0); let tentative_balance = acct.get_sum_of_amts_in_lots(); if tentative_balance == d128!(0) { balance = "0.00".to_string() } else { balance_d128 += tentative_balance; balance = tentative_balance.to_string() } let cost_basis: String; if raw_acct.is_margin { cost_basis = "0.00".to_string() } else { let tentative_cost_basis = acct.get_sum_of_basis_in_lots(); if tentative_cost_basis == d128!(0) { cost_basis = "0.00".to_string() } else { cost_basis = tentative_cost_basis.to_string() } } if balance_d128 != d128!(0) { row.push(name); row.push(balance); row.push(raw_acct.ticker.to_string()); row.push(cost_basis); row.push(acct.list_of_lots.borrow().len().to_string()); rows.push(row); } } let file_name = PathBuf::from("2_Acct_Sum_with_nonzero_cost_basis.csv"); let path = PathBuf::from(&settings.export_path.clone()); let full_path: PathBuf = [path, file_name].iter().collect(); let buffer = File::create(full_path).unwrap(); let mut wtr = csv::Writer::from_writer(buffer); for row in rows.iter() { wtr.write_record(row).expect("Could not write row to CSV file"); } wtr.flush().expect("Could not flush Writer, though file should exist and be complete"); } // pub fn transactions_to_csv( // transactions: &[Rc], // ars: &HashMap, // raw_acct_map: &HashMap, // acct_map: &HashMap, // txns_map: &HashMap,) { // let mut rows: Vec> = [].to_vec(); // let mut header: Vec = [].to_vec(); // header.extend_from_slice(&[ // "Date".to_string(), // "Txn#".to_string(), // "Type".to_string(), // "Memo".to_string(), // "Amount".to_string(), // "Ticker".to_string(), // "Proceeds".to_string(), // "Cost basis".to_string(), // "Gain/loss".to_string(), // "Term".to_string(), // "Income".to_string(), // "Expense".to_string(), // ]); // rows.push(header); // for txn in transactions { // for mvmt in txn.flow_or_outgoing_exchange_movements.borrow().iter() { // let lot = mvmt.borrow().get_lot(acct_map, ars); // let acct = acct_map.get(&lot.account_key).unwrap(); // let raw_acct = raw_acct_map.get(&acct.raw_key).unwrap(); // let mut row: Vec = [].to_vec(); // row.push(txn.date.format("%Y/%m/%d").to_string()); // row.push(txn.tx_number.to_string()); // row.push(txn.transaction_type(&ars, &raw_acct_map, &acct_map).to_string()); // row.push(txn.memo.to_string()); // row.push(mvmt.borrow().amount.to_string()); // row.push(raw_acct.ticker.to_string()); // row.push(mvmt.borrow().proceeds.to_string()); // row.push(mvmt.borrow().cost_basis.to_string()); // row.push(mvmt.borrow().get_gain_or_loss().to_string()); // row.push(mvmt.borrow().get_term(acct_map, ars).to_string()); // row.push(mvmt.borrow().get_income(ars, &raw_acct_map, &acct_map, &txns_map).to_string()); // row.push(mvmt.borrow().get_expense(ars, &raw_acct_map, &acct_map, &txns_map).to_string()); // rows.push(row); // } // } // let buffer = File::create("/Users/scoob/Documents/Testing/rust_exports/test/txns-3rd-try.csv").unwrap(); // let mut wtr = csv::Writer::from_writer(buffer); // for row in rows.iter() { // wtr.write_record(row).expect("Could not write row to CSV file"); // } // wtr.flush().expect("Could not flush Writer, though file should exist and be complete"); // } pub fn _5_transaction_mvmt_summaries_to_csv( settings: &LotProcessingChoices, ars: &HashMap, raw_acct_map: &HashMap, acct_map: &HashMap, txns_map: &HashMap, ) { let mut rows: Vec> = [].to_vec(); let mut header: Vec = [].to_vec(); header.extend_from_slice(&[ "Date".to_string(), "Txn#".to_string(), "Type".to_string(), "Memo".to_string(), "Amount".to_string(), "Ticker".to_string(), "Term".to_string(), "Proceeds".to_string(), "Cost basis".to_string(), "Gain/loss".to_string(), "Income".to_string(), "Expense".to_string(), ]); rows.push(header); let length = txns_map.len(); for txn_num in 1..=length { let txn_num = txn_num as u32; let txn = txns_map.get(&(txn_num)).unwrap(); let txn_date_string = txn.date.format("%Y/%m/%d").to_string(); let tx_num_string = txn.tx_number.to_string(); let tx_type_string = txn.transaction_type(ars, &raw_acct_map, &acct_map).to_string(); let tx_memo_string = txn.memo.to_string(); let mut term_st: Option = None; let mut term_lt: Option = None; let mut ticker: Option = None; let mut polarity: Option = None; let mut amount_st = d128!(0); let mut proceeds_st = d128!(0); let mut cost_basis_st = d128!(0); let mut income_st = d128!(0); let mut expense_st = d128!(0); let mut amount_lt = d128!(0); let mut proceeds_lt = d128!(0); let mut cost_basis_lt = d128!(0); let mut income_lt = d128!(0); let mut expense_lt = d128!(0); let flow_or_outgoing_exchange_movements = txn.get_outgoing_exchange_and_flow_mvmts( settings, ars, raw_acct_map, acct_map, txns_map ); for mvmt in flow_or_outgoing_exchange_movements.iter() { let lot = mvmt.get_lot(acct_map, ars); let acct = acct_map.get(&lot.account_key).unwrap(); let raw_acct = raw_acct_map.get(&acct.raw_key).unwrap(); if let None = ticker { ticker = Some(raw_acct.ticker.clone()) }; if let None = polarity { polarity = if mvmt.amount > d128!(0) { Some(Polarity::Incoming) } else { Some(Polarity::Outgoing) }; } let term = mvmt.get_term(acct_map, ars); if term == Term::LT { amount_lt += mvmt.amount; proceeds_lt += mvmt.proceeds.get(); cost_basis_lt += mvmt.cost_basis.get(); match term_lt { None => { term_lt = Some(term)} _ => {} } } else { assert_eq!(term, Term::ST); amount_st += mvmt.amount; proceeds_st += mvmt.proceeds.get(); cost_basis_st += mvmt.cost_basis.get(); if term_st == None { term_st = Some(term); } } } if (txn.transaction_type(ars, &raw_acct_map, &acct_map) == TxType::Flow) & (polarity == Some(Polarity::Incoming)) { // println!("Incoming flow {}", txn.tx_number); income_st = proceeds_st; proceeds_st = d128!(0); cost_basis_st = d128!(0); income_lt = proceeds_lt; proceeds_lt = d128!(0); cost_basis_lt = d128!(0); } if (txn.transaction_type(ars, &raw_acct_map, &acct_map) == TxType::Flow) & (polarity == Some(Polarity::Outgoing)) { // println!("Outgoing flow {}, proceeds_st {}, proceeds_lt {}", txn.tx_number, proceeds_st, proceeds_lt); expense_st -= proceeds_st; expense_lt -= proceeds_lt; } if let Some(term) = term_st { let mut row: Vec = [].to_vec(); row.push(txn_date_string.clone()); row.push(tx_num_string.clone()); row.push(tx_type_string.clone()); row.push(tx_memo_string.clone()); row.push(amount_st.to_string()); row.push(ticker.clone().unwrap()); row.push(term.abbr_string()); row.push(proceeds_st.to_string()); row.push(cost_basis_st.to_string()); row.push((proceeds_st + cost_basis_st).to_string()); row.push(income_st.to_string()); row.push(expense_st.to_string()); rows.push(row); } if let Some(term) = term_lt { let mut row: Vec = [].to_vec(); row.push(txn_date_string); row.push(tx_num_string); row.push(tx_type_string); row.push(tx_memo_string); row.push(amount_lt.to_string()); row.push(ticker.unwrap()); row.push(term.abbr_string()); row.push(proceeds_lt.to_string()); row.push(cost_basis_lt.to_string()); row.push((proceeds_lt + cost_basis_lt).to_string()); row.push(income_lt.to_string()); row.push(expense_lt.to_string()); rows.push(row); } } let file_name = PathBuf::from("5_Txns_mvmts_summary.csv"); let path = PathBuf::from(&settings.export_path); let full_path: PathBuf = [path, file_name].iter().collect(); let buffer = File::create(full_path).unwrap(); let mut wtr = csv::Writer::from_writer(buffer); for row in rows.iter() { wtr.write_record(row).expect("Could not write row to CSV file"); } wtr.flush().expect("Could not flush Writer, though file should exist and be complete"); } pub fn accounts_to_csv( accounts: &[Rc], ars: &HashMap, raw_acct_map: &HashMap, acct_map: &HashMap, txns_map: &HashMap, ) { let mut rows: Vec> = [].to_vec(); let mut header: Vec = [].to_vec(); header.extend_from_slice(&[ "#".to_string(), "Account".to_string(), "Ticker".to_string(), "Margin".to_string(), "Date".to_string(), "Txn#".to_string(), "Type".to_string(), "Memo".to_string(), "Amount".to_string(), "Proceeds".to_string(), "Cost basis\n".to_string(), "Gain/loss".to_string(), "Term".to_string(), "Income".to_string(), "Expense".to_string(), ]); rows.push(header); for acct in accounts { for lot in acct.list_of_lots.borrow().iter() { for mvmt in lot.movements.borrow().iter() { let raw_acct = raw_acct_map.get(&acct.raw_key).unwrap(); let txn = txns_map.get(&mvmt.transaction_key).unwrap(); let mut row: Vec = [].to_vec(); row.push(raw_acct.account_num.to_string()); row.push(raw_acct.name.to_string()); row.push(raw_acct.ticker.to_string()); row.push(raw_acct.is_margin.to_string()); row.push(mvmt.date.format("%Y/%m/%d").to_string()); row.push(txn.tx_number.to_string()); row.push(txn.transaction_type(ars, &raw_acct_map, &acct_map).to_string()); row.push(txn.memo.to_string()); row.push(mvmt.amount.to_string()); row.push(mvmt.proceeds.get().to_string()); row.push(mvmt.cost_basis.get().to_string()); row.push(mvmt.get_gain_or_loss().to_string()); row.push(mvmt.get_term(acct_map, ars).to_string()); row.push(mvmt.get_income(ars, &raw_acct_map, &acct_map, &txns_map).to_string()); row.push(mvmt.get_expense(ars, &raw_acct_map, &acct_map, &txns_map).to_string()); rows.push(row); } } } let buffer = File::create("/Users/scoob/Documents/Testing/rust_exports/test/accts-1st-try.csv").unwrap(); let mut wtr = csv::Writer::from_writer(buffer); for row in rows.iter() { wtr.write_record(row).expect("Could not write row to CSV file"); } wtr.flush().expect("Could not flush Writer, though file should exist and be complete"); }