#romerito -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import sopel.module import requests import time import random import datetime # from apikey import commodity_key polourl = "https://poloniex.com/public?command=returnTicker" poloxmrlendurl = "https://poloniex.com/public?command=returnLoanOrders¤cy=XMR&limit=999999" polobtclendurl = "https://poloniex.com/public?command=returnLoanOrders¤cy=BTC&limit=999999" prevamnt, prevtime = 0, 0 trexurl = "https://bittrex.com/api/v1.1/public/getmarketsummary?market=btc-" cryptopiaurl = "https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/api/GetMarkets" bitsquareurl = "https://market.bitsquare.io/api/ticker/?market=xmr_btc" finexbtc = 'https://api.bitfinex.com/v1/pubticker/XMRBTC' finexusd = 'https://api.bitfinex.com/v1/pubticker/XMRUSD' krakbtc = 'https://api.kraken.com/0/public/Ticker?pair=XMRXBT' krakbtceur = 'https://api.kraken.com/0/public/Ticker?pair=XBTEUR' krakusd = 'https://api.kraken.com/0/public/Ticker?pair=XMRUSD' krakeur = 'https://api.kraken.com/0/public/Ticker?pair=XMREUR' kraktrig = 'https://api.kraken.com/0/public/Ticker?pair=' #append coin/trigger in function below okcquar = 'https://www.okcoin.com/api/v1/future_ticker.do?symbol=btc_usd&contract_type=quarter' krakusdt = 'http://api.kraken.com/0/public/Ticker?pair=USDTUSD' bitflyerurl = 'https://api.bitflyer.jp/v1/ticker' thumbxmrurl = 'https://api.bithumb.com/public/ticker/xmr' # measured natively in KRW thumbbtcurl = 'https://api.bithumb.com/public/ticker/btc' # measured natively in KRW binanceurl = 'https://api.binance.com/api/v1/ticker/24hr' localmonerousd = 'https://localmonero.co/api/ticker?currencyCode=USD' ogreurl = 'https://tradeogre.com/api/v1/markets' @sopel.module.commands('forksum') def forksum(bot, trigger): url = 'https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker/?bch' try: r = requests.get(url) j = r.json() for i in j: try: if i['id'] == 'bitcoin': btcprice = float(i['price_usd']) if i['id'] == 'bitcoin-cash': bcashprice = float(i['price_usd']) if i['id'] == 'bitcoin-gold': bgoldprice = float(i['price_usd']) except: pass bot.say("The sum of USD price of BTC, BCH, and BTG is ${:.2f}".format(btcprice+bcashprice+bgoldprice)) except: bot.say("Error parsing ticker") @sopel.module.commands('ath') def ath(bot, trigger): with open('/root/.sopel/modules/ath.log', 'r') as f: text = f.read() btcath = float(text.split(' ')[0]) btcathdate = text.split(' ')[1] usdath = float(text.split(' ')[2]) usdathdate = text.split(' ')[3] update = False url = 'https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker/monero' r = requests.get(url) j = r.json() price_btc = float(j[0]['price_btc']) price_usd = float(j[0]['price_usd']) if price_btc > btcath: btcath = price_btc update = True btcathdate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(coin['last_updated'])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if price_usd > usdath: usdath = price_usd update = True usdathdate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(coin['last_updated'])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if update == True: with open('/root/.sopel/modules/ath.log', 'w') as f: f.write("{} {} {} {}".format(btcath, btcathdate, usdath, usdathdate)) bot.say("BTC ath = {} on {}. USD ath = ${} on {}".format(btcath, btcathdate, usdath, usdathdate)) @sopel.module.commands('bfx', 'bitfinex') def bfx(bot, trigger): stringtosay = '' try: r = requests.get(finexbtc) j = r.json() stringtosay += "Last XMR/BTC trade at {0:.6f} on {1:.2f} 24 h XMR volume. ".format(float(j['last_price']), float(j['volume'])) except: bot.say("Error getting XMR/BTC data") try: r = requests.get(finexusd) j = r.json() stringtosay += "Last XMR/USD trade at {0:.2f} on {1:.2f} 24 h XMR volume.".format(float(j['last_price']), float(j['volume'])) except: bot.say("Error getting XMR/USD data") try: bot.say(stringtosay) except: bot.say("Error getting data") @sopel.module.commands('krak', 'kraken') def krak(bot, trigger): stringtosay = '' if not trigger.group(2): try: r = requests.get(krakbtc) j = r.json() stringtosay += "Last XMR/BTC trade at {0:.6f} on {1:.2f} 24 h XMR volume. ".format(float(j['result']['XXMRXXBT']['c'][0]), float(j['result']['XXMRXXBT']['v'][1])) except: bot.say("Error getting XMR/BTC data") try: r = requests.get(krakusd) j = r.json() stringtosay += "Last XMR/USD trade at {0:.2f} on {1:.2f} 24 h XMR volume. ".format(float(j['result']['XXMRZUSD']['c'][0]), float(j['result']['XXMRZUSD']['v'][1])) except: bot.say("Error getting XMR/USD data") try: r = requests.get('https://api.kraken.com/0/public/Ticker?pair=XMREUR') #shouldn't this be krakeur? j = r.json() stringtosay += "Last XMR/EUR trade at {0:.2f} on {1:.2f} 24 h XMR volume. ".format(float(j['result']['XXMRZEUR']['c'][0]), float(j['result']['XXMRZEUR']['v'][1])) except: bot.say("Error getting XMR/EUR data") try: bot.say(stringtosay) except: bot.say("Error getting data") else: coin = trigger.group(2).upper() try: r=requests.get(kraktrig+coin+'XBT') j=r.json() stringtosay += "{0} at {1:.8f} on {2:.2f} 24 h {0} volume. ".format(coin, float(j['result']['X'+str(coin)+'XXBT']['c'][0]), float(j['result']['X'+str(coin)+'XXBT']['v'][1])) except: bot.say("Error connecting to Kraken") try: bot.say(stringtosay) except: bot.say("Error getting data") @sopel.module.commands('usdt') def usdt(bot, trigger): try: r = requests.get(krakusdt) j = r.json() stringtosay = "Last USDT/USD trade at ${0:.4f} on {1:.2f} USD 24 h volume. Highest bid at ${2:.4f}".format(float(j['result']['USDTZUSD']['c'][0]), float(j['result']['USDTZUSD']['v'][0]), float(j['result']['USDTZUSD']['b'][0])) bot.say(stringtosay) except: bot.say("Error getting USDT/USD data") @sopel.module.commands('btckrak', 'btckraken', 'btceur') def krakeur(bot, trigger): stringtosay = '' try: r = requests.get(krakbtceur) j = r.json() stringtosay += "Last BTC/EUR trade at €{0:.2f} on {1:.2f} BTC 24 h volume. ".format(float(j['result']['XXBTZEUR']['c'][0]), float(j['result']['XXBTZEUR']['v'][0])) except: bot.say("Error getting BTC/EUR data") try: bot.say(stringtosay) except: bot.say("Error getting data") @sopel.module.commands('chart') def chart(bot, trigger): bot.say('https://cryptowat.ch/poloniex/xmrbtc') @sopel.module.commands('polo', 'poloniex', 'marco') @sopel.module.interval(3600) def polo(bot, trigger): if not trigger.group(2): try: r=requests.get(polourl) j=r.json() xmr=j["BTC_XMR"] last=float(xmr['last']) change=float(xmr['percentChange']) vol=float(xmr['baseVolume']) if change >= 0: sign = '+' else: sign = '' face = '' if change > 0.10: face = u'\u263d'.encode('utf8') if 0.10 >= change > 0.05: face = u'\u2661'.encode('utf8') if 0.05 >= change > 0.02: face = u'\u263a'.encode('utf8') if 0.02 >= change > -0.02: face = u'\u2694'.encode('utf8') if -0.02 >= change > -0.05: face = u'\u2639'.encode('utf8') if -0.05 >= change > -0.1: face = u'\u2620'.encode('utf8') if change < -0.1: face = u'\u262d'.encode('utf8') bot.say("Poloniex at {0:.8f} BTC; {1}{2:.2f}% over 24 hours on {3:.3f} BTC volume {4}".format(last, sign, change*100, vol, face)) except: bot.say("Error retrieving data from Poloniex") else: coin = trigger.group(2).upper() try: r=requests.get(polourl) j=r.json() except: bot.say("Error connecting to Poloniex") if len(coin) > 5 or len(coin) < 2: bot.say("Coin ticker is too long or short") # elif coin == "PASC": # bot.say("COBOL only in #monero-markets") # elif coin == "NAUT": # bot.say("That ship has sailed...") elif coin == "PIVX": bot.say("Masternodes + PoS...what could possibly go wrong?") else: label="BTC_" + coin try: ticker=j[label] last=float(ticker['last']) change=float(ticker['percentChange']) vol=float(ticker['baseVolume']) if change >= 0: sign = '+' else: sign = '' bot.say("{0} at {1:.8f} BTC; {2}{3:.2f}% over 24 hours on {4:.3f} BTC volume".format(coin, last, sign, change*100, vol)) except: bot.say("ERROR!") @sopel.module.commands('lending') def lending(bot, trigger): try: r=requests.get(poloxmrlendurl) j=r.json() amnt=0 currenttime=time.time() for i in j['offers']: amnt+=float(i['amount']) bot.say("Total amount of XMR available {0:,.2f}. Changed by {1:.2f} in the last {2:.2f} hours".format(amnt, amnt-prevamnt, (currenttime-prevtime)/3600)) global prevamnt prevamnt=amnt global prevtime prevtime=currenttime except: bot.say("Something bad happened :o") @sopel.module.commands('btclending') def btclending(bot, trigger): try: r=requests.get(polobtclendurl) j=r.json() amnt=0 amnt10=0 rate10=0 amnt100=0 rate100=0 for i in j['offers']: if amnt < 10: amnt10=amnt rate10=float(i['rate']) if amnt < 100: amnt100=amnt rate100=float(i['rate']) amnt+=float(i['amount']) bot.say("Minimum rate is {0:.3f}%. To borrow {1:,.2f} BTC need up to rate {2:.3f}%. To borrow {3:,.2f} BTC need up to rate {4:.3f}%. Total amount is {5:,.2f} BTC at max rate {6:.3f}%".format(float(j['offers'][0]['rate'])*100, amnt10, rate10*100, amnt100, rate100*100, amnt, float(j['offers'][-1]['rate'])*100)) except: bot.say("Something bad happened :o") @sopel.module.commands('trex', 'bittrex') def trex(bot, trigger): if not trigger.group(2): geturl = trexurl+'xmr' else: geturl = trexurl + trigger.group(2) try: r = requests.get(geturl) j = r.json() xmr=j['result'][0] last=float(xmr['Last']) change=((last/float(xmr['PrevDay']))-1) vol=float(xmr['BaseVolume']) bot.say("Bittrex at {0:.8f} BTC; {1:.2f}% over 24 hours on {2:.3f} BTC volume".format(last, change*100, vol)) except: bot.say("Error retrieving data from Bittrex") @sopel.module.commands('tradeogre', 'ogre') def ogre(bot, trigger): if not trigger.group(2): coin = 'XMR' else: coin = trigger.group(2).upper() try: r = requests.get(ogreurl) j = r.json() for i in j: if "BTC-"+coin == i.key(): last=float(i['price']) vol=float(i['volume']) bot.say("Tradeogre at {0:.8f} BTC; on {1:.3f} BTC volume".format(last, vol)) except: bot.say("Error retrieving data from Ogre") @sopel.module.commands('bsq', 'bitsquare') def bsq(bot, trigger): try: r = requests.get(bitsquareurl) j = r.json() xmr=j['xmr_btc'] last=float(xmr['last']) vol=float(xmr['volume_right']) bot.say("Bitsquare at {0:.8f} BTC on {1:.3f} BTC volume".format(last, vol)) except: bot.say("Error retrieving data from Bitsquare") @sopel.module.commands('binance') def binance(bot, trigger): try: if not trigger.group(2): coin = 'XMR' pair = 'BTC' else: coin = trigger.group(2).split(' ')[0].upper() try: if len(trigger.group(2).split(' ')[1]) > 1: pair = trigger.group(2).split(' ')[1].upper() else: pair = "BTC" except: pair = "BTC" r = requests.get(binanceurl) j = r.json() found = False for i in j: if i["symbol"] == coin+pair: last=float(i['lastPrice']) change=float(i['priceChangePercent']) vol=float(i['volume']) bot.say("{0} on Binance at {1:.8f} {2}; {3:.2f}% over 24 hours on {4:.3f} {2} volume".format(coin, last, pair, change, vol*last)) found = True if found == False: bot.say("Too scammy even for Binance") except: bot.say("Error retrieving data from Binance") @sopel.module.commands('cryptopia', 'shitopia', 'topia', 'ctop') def cryptopia(bot, trigger): try: if not trigger.group(2): coin = 'XMR' pair = 'BTC' else: coin = trigger.group(2).split(' ')[0].upper() try: if len(trigger.group(2).split(' ')[1]) > 1: pair = trigger.group(2).split(' ')[1].upper() else: pair = "BTC" except: pair = "BTC" r = requests.get(cryptopiaurl) j = r.json() found = False for i in j["Data"]: if i["Label"] == coin+"/"+pair: last=float(i['LastPrice']) change=float(i['Change']) vol=float(i['Volume']) bot.say("{0} on Cryptopia at {1:.8f} {2}; {3:.2f}% over 24 hours on {4:.3f} {2} volume".format(coin, last, pair, change, vol*last)) found = True if found == False: bot.say("This shit is too shitty even for shitopia") except: bot.say("Error retrieving data from Cryptopia") @sopel.module.commands('cmc', 'coinmarketcap') def cmc(bot, trigger): # try: # if trigger.group(2).lower() == 'trx': # bot.say("Fuck off with your scams scammer") # return # except: # pass try: r = requests.get('https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker?limit=1500') j = r.json() except: bot.say("Can't connect to API") if not trigger.group(2): c1 = 'XMR' else: if ' ' in trigger.group(2): c1 = trigger.group(2).split(' ')[0].upper() c2 = trigger.group(2).split(' ')[1].upper() else: if trigger.group(2).isdigit(): rank = trigger.group(2) elif trigger.group(2) == 'random': rank = random.randint(1,1500) else: c1 = trigger.group(2).upper() try: if not 'c2' in locals(): for i in j: try: if i['symbol'] == c1: coin = i except: pass try: if i['rank'] == str(rank): coin = i except: pass symbol = coin['symbol'] name = coin['name'] rank = coin['rank'] price_usd = float(coin['price_usd']) price_btc = float(coin['price_btc']) volume_usd = float(coin['24h_volume_usd']) market_cap_usd = float(coin['market_cap_usd']) available_supply = float(coin['available_supply']) total_supply = float(coin['total_supply']) percent_change_24h = float(coin['percent_change_24h']) bot.say("{0} ({1}) is #{2}. Last price ${3:.2f} / ฿{4:.8f}. 24h volume ${5:,.0f} changed {6}%. Market cap ${7:,.0f}. Available / total coin supply {8:,.0f} / {9:,.0f}.".format(name, symbol, rank, price_usd, price_btc, volume_usd, percent_change_24h, market_cap_usd, available_supply, total_supply)) else: for i in j: try: if i['symbol'] == c1: coin = i if i['symbol'] == c2: c2coin = i except: pass symbol = coin['symbol'] c2symbol = c2coin['symbol'] name = coin['name'] rank = coin['rank'] price_usd = float(coin['price_usd']) price_btc = float(coin['price_btc']) c2price_btc = float(c2coin['price_btc']) volume_usd = float(coin['24h_volume_usd']) market_cap_usd = float(coin['market_cap_usd']) available_supply = float(coin['available_supply']) total_supply = float(coin['total_supply']) percent_change_24h = float(coin['percent_change_24h']) bot.say("{0} ({1}) is #{2}. Last price ${3:.2f} / {4:.8f} {1}/{5}. 24h volume ${6:,.0f}. Market cap ${7:,.0f}. Available / total coin supply {8:,.0f} / {9:,.0f}.".format(name, symbol, rank, price_usd, price_btc/c2price_btc, c2symbol, volume_usd, market_cap_usd, available_supply, total_supply)) except: bot.say("Error parsing ticker") try: if c1 == 'XMR': with open('/root/.sopel/modules/ath.log', 'r') as f: text = f.read() btcath = float(text.split(' ')[0]) btcathdate = text.split(' ')[1] usdath = float(text.split(' ')[2]) usdathdate = text.split(' ')[3] update = False if price_btc > btcath: btcath = price_btc update = True btcathdate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(coin['last_updated'])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if price_usd > usdath: usdath = price_usd update = True usdathdate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(coin['last_updated'])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if update == True: with open('/root/.sopel/modules/ath.log', 'w') as f: f.write("{} {} {} {}".format(btcath, btcathdate, usdath, usdathdate)) except: pass @sopel.module.commands('top') def top(bot, trigger): topXstring = "" try: try: r = requests.get('https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/global/') j = r.json() usd_total_mkt_cap = float(j['total_market_cap_usd']) total_mcap_short = int(int(round(usd_total_mkt_cap,-9))/int(1e9)) rounded_total_mcap = str(total_mcap_short)+"B" topXstring += "Total market cap $" + rounded_total_mcap + " | " except: bot.say("Can't connect to coinmarketcap API") if not trigger.group(2): limit = 20 else: limit = int(trigger.group(2)) if limit > 20: bot.say("Too high! Max is 20!") elif limit < 1: bot.say("Dude...") r = requests.get('https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker?limit={}'.format(limit)) j = r.json() for i in j: symbol = i['symbol'] name = i['name'] rank = i['rank'] price_usd = float(i['price_usd']) price_btc = float(i['price_btc']) market_cap_usd = float(i['market_cap_usd']) if market_cap_usd >= 1e9: if market_cap_usd >= 1e10: market_cap_short = int(int(round(market_cap_usd,-9))/int(1e9)) else: market_cap_short = float(round(market_cap_usd,-8)/1e9) rounded_mcap = str(market_cap_short)+"B" else: rounded_mcap = "tiny" topXstring += "{0}. {1} ${2} | ".format(rank, symbol, rounded_mcap) #TODO: add price_usd, rounded bot.say(topXstring[:-2]) except: bot.say("The use is 'top' and then a digit 1 - 20") @sopel.module.commands('okc', 'okcoin') def okc(bot, trigger): try: r = requests.get(okcquar) j = r.json() xmr=j['ticker'] last=float(xmr['last']) vol=float(xmr['vol']) bot.say("OKcoin quarterly futures at ${0:.2f} on {1:.0f} volume".format(last, vol)) except: bot.say("Error retrieving data from OKCoin") @sopel.module.commands('tux') def tux(bot, trigger): try: r = requests.get('https://tuxexchange.com/api?method=getticker') j = r.json() if not trigger.group(2): ticker='XMR' else: ticker=trigger.group(2).upper() coin=j['BTC_{}'.format(ticker)] last=float(coin['last']) vol=float(coin['baseVolume']) change=float(coin['percentChange']) bot.say("{0} at {1:.8f} BTC on {2:.3f} BTC volume, changed {3:.2f}% over last 24 hr".format(ticker, last, vol, change)) except: bot.say("Error retrieving data from Tuxexchange") @sopel.module.commands('pepe', 'pepecash') def pepe(bot, trigger): try: r = requests.get('https://tuxexchange.com/api?method=getticker') j = r.json() pepe=j['BTC_PEPECASH'] last=float(pepe['last']) vol=float(pepe['baseVolume']) change=float(pepe['percentChange']) bot.say("Pepecash at {0:.8f} BTC on {1:.3f} BTC volume, changed {2:.2f}% over last 24 hr".format(last, vol, change)) except: bot.say("Error retrieving data from Tuxexchange") @sopel.module.commands('pepexmr') def pepexmr(bot, trigger): try: r = requests.get('https://tuxexchange.com/api?method=getticker') j = r.json() pepe=j['BTC_PEPECASH'] pepelast=float(pepe['last']) r=requests.get(polourl) j=r.json() xmr=j["BTC_XMR"] xmrlast=float(xmr['last']) bot.say("Pepe/XMR ratio is : {0:.8f}".format(pepelast/xmrlast)) except: bot.say("FAILURE!") @sopel.module.commands('tall') def tall(bot, trigger): stringtosend = '' stampurl = 'https://www.bitstamp.net/api/ticker/' finexurl = 'https://api.bitfinex.com/v1/pubticker/BTCUSD' btccurl = 'https://data.btcchina.com/data/ticker?market=btccny' gemiurl = 'https://api.gemini.com/v1/pubticker/btcusd' gdaxurl = 'https://api.gdax.com/products/BTC-USD/ticker' # Bitstamp try: stampresult = requests.get(stampurl) stampjson = stampresult.json() except: stampjson = False if stampjson: stringtosend += "Bitstamp last: ${0:,.2f}, vol: {1:,.1f} | ".format(float(stampjson['last']), float(stampjson['volume'])) # Gemini try: gemiresult = requests.get(gemiurl) gemijson = gemiresult.json() except: gemijson = False if gemijson: try: stringtosend += "Gemini last: ${0:,.2f}, vol: {1:,.1f} | ".format(float(gemijson['last']), float(gemijson['volume']['BTC'])) except: pass # Gdax try: gdaxresult = requests.get(gdaxurl) gdaxjson = gdaxresult.json() gdaxprice = float(gdaxjson['price']) gdaxvolume = float(gdaxjson['volume']) except: gdaxjson = False if gdaxjson: stringtosend += "GDAX last: ${0:,.2f}, vol: {1:,.1f} | ".format(gdaxprice, gdaxvolume) # Bitfinex try: finexresult = requests.get(finexurl) finexjson = finexresult.json() except: finexjson = False try: if finexjson: stringtosend += "Bitfinex last: ${0:,.2f}, vol: {1:,.1f} | ".format(float(finexjson['last_price']), float(finexjson['volume'])) except: stringtosend += "Finex sucks | " # Bitthumb try: thumbresult = requests.get(thumbbtcurl) thumbjson = thumbresult.json() if thumbjson['data']: pass except: thumbjson = False if thumbjson: stringtosend += "Bithumb last: ₩{0:,.2f}, vol: {1:,.1f} | ".format(float(thumbjson['data']['buy_price']), float(thumbjson['data']['volume_1day'])) # Bitflyer try: bitflyerresult = requests.get(bitflyerurl) bitflyerjson = bitflyerresult.json() except: bitflyerjson = False if bitflyerjson: stringtosend += "Bitflyer last: ¥{0:,.2f}, vol: {1:,.1f} | ".format(float(bitflyerjson['ltp']), float(bitflyerjson['volume_by_product'])) # Send the tickers to IRC bot.say(stringtosend[:-2]) @sopel.module.commands('xmrtall', 'xmr') def xmrtall(bot, trigger): stringtosend = '' # Bithumb (Note: Must calculate BTCXMR price from BTCKRW and XMRKRW) try: xmr_r = requests.get(thumbxmrurl) btc_r = requests.get(thumbbtcurl) xmrjson = xmr_r.json() btcjson = btc_r.json() # No last price in api. Must average buy and sell price. thumbXMRbuy = float(xmrjson['data']['buy_price']) thumbXMRsell = float(xmrjson['data']['sell_price']) thumbXMRkrw = (thumbXMRbuy + thumbXMRsell)/2 # Same for BTC thumbBTCbuy = float(btcjson['data']['buy_price']) thumbBTCsell = float(btcjson['data']['sell_price']) thumbBTCkrw = (thumbBTCbuy + thumbBTCsell)/2 # Finally, price in BTC, and volume in XMR thumbBTCxmr = thumbXMRkrw/thumbBTCkrw thumbXMRVol = float(xmrjson['data']['volume_1day']) stringtosend = "Bithumb last: {0:.6f} BTC on {1:.2f} XMR volume | ".format(thumbBTCxmr,thumbXMRVol) except: bot.say("Error - bithumb korea is worst korea.") # Polo try: r=requests.get(polourl) j=r.json() xmr=j["BTC_XMR"] last=float(xmr['last']) # change=float(xmr['percentChange']) vol=float(xmr['baseVolume']) stringtosend += "Poloniex last: {0:.6f} BTC on {1:.2f} BTC volume | ".format(last, vol) except: bot.say("Something borked ¯\(º_o)/¯") # bfx try: r = requests.get(finexbtc) j = r.json() stringtosend += "Bitfinex last: {0:.6f} on {1:.2f} XMR volume | ".format(float(j['last_price']), float(j['volume'])) except: bot.say("Something borked ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ ︵ ┻━┻") # Kraken try: r = requests.get(krakbtc) j = r.json() stringtosend += "Kraken last: {0:.6f} on {1:.2f} XMR volume | ".format(float(j['result']['XXMRXXBT']['c'][0]), float(j['result']['XXMRXXBT']['v'][1])) except: bot.say("Something borked ¤\( `⌂´ )/¤") # Binance try: r = requests.get(binanceurl) j = r.json() found = False for i in j: if i["symbol"] == "XMRBTC": last=float(i['lastPrice']) vol=float(i['volume']) stringtosend += ("Binance last: {0:.6f} on {1:.2f} BTC volume | ".format(last, vol*last)) found = True except: bot.say("Borka borka ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐") # Trex geturl = trexurl+'xmr' try: r = requests.get(geturl) j = r.json() xmr=j['result'][0] last=float(xmr['Last']) # change=((last/float(xmr['PrevDay']))-1) vol=float(xmr['BaseVolume']) stringtosend += "Bittrex last: {0:.6f} BTC on {1:.2f} BTC volume | ".format(last, vol) except: bot.say("Something borked -_-") # Cryptopia try: coin = 'XMR' pair = 'BTC' r = requests.get(cryptopiaurl) j = r.json() found = False for i in j["Data"]: if i["Label"] == coin+"/"+pair: last=float(i['LastPrice']) change=float(i['Change']) vol=float(i['Volume']) stringtosend += "Cryptopia last: {0:.6f} {1} on {2:.2f} {1} volume | ".format(last, pair, vol*last) found = True if found == False: bot.say("WTF?!?") except: bot.say("Something borked ( -.-)ノ-=≡≡卍") # Tux # try: # r = requests.get('https://tuxexchange.com/api?method=getticker') # j = r.json() # if not trigger.group(2): # ticker='XMR' # else: # ticker=trigger.group(2).upper() # coin=j['BTC_{}'.format(ticker)] # last=float(coin['last']) # vol=float(coin['baseVolume']) # change=float(coin['percentChange']) # stringtosend += "Tux last: {0:.6f} BTC on {1:.2f} BTC volume. ".format(last, vol) # except: # bot.say("Something borked ( ︶︿︶)_╭∩╮") #Finally... print to IRC bot.say(stringtosend[:-2]) @sopel.module.commands('usd') def usd(bot, trigger): try: r=requests.get('https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker/monero/') j=r.json() price=float(j[0]['price_usd']) bot.say("Monero price in USD = ${0:,.2f}".format(price)) except: bot.say("Failed to retrieve price.") @sopel.module.commands('price') def price(bot, trigger): try: bot.say("1 XMR = $12,345 USD (Offer valid in participating locations)") except: bot.say("C-cex sucks") @sopel.module.commands('comm') def comm(bot, trigger): pass @sopel.module.commands('xmy') def xmy(bot, trigger): try: r = requests.get('https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker?limit=500') j = r.json() except: bot.say("Can't connect to API") symbol = 'XMY' try: for i in j: try: if i['symbol'] == symbol: coin = i except: pass try: if i['rank'] == str(rank): coin = i except: pass symbol = coin['symbol'] name = coin['name'] rank = coin['rank'] price_usd = float(coin['price_usd']) price_btc = float(coin['price_btc']) volume_usd = float(coin['24h_volume_usd']) market_cap_usd = float(coin['market_cap_usd']) available_supply = float(coin['available_supply']) total_supply = float(coin['total_supply']) percent_change_24h = float(coin['percent_change_24h']) bot.say("{0} ({1}) is #{2}. Last price ${3:.2f} / ฿{4:.8f}. 24h volume ${5:,.0f} changed {6}%. Market cap ${7:,.0f}. Available / total coin supply {8:,.0f} / {9:,.0f}.".format(name, symbol, rank, price_usd, price_btc, volume_usd, percent_change_24h, market_cap_usd, available_supply, total_supply)) except: bot.say("Error parsing ticker") @sopel.module.commands('localmonero', 'localxmr', 'lxmr', 'lm', 'street') def localmonero(bot, trigger): try: r = requests.get(localmonerousd) j = r.json() stringtosay = "LocalMonero XMR/USD 12h-avg: ${0:.2f}, 24h-avg: ${0:.2f}.".format(float(j['USD']['avg_12h']), float(j['USD']['avg_24h'])) bot.say(stringtosay) except: bot.say("Error getting data")